Bringing back our hands in Mother Earth: Ochapowace First Nations Community Garden Kate Fraser, – NCIAF Reconciliation and Capacity Specialist, along with members of Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture and Regina Treaty/Status Indian Services. “What do you think would be the first step in the right direction?” was the question that was posed in early March to Lester Henry, Ochapowace First Nation and Kehteyak committee member.  The answer was an easy... Roots of Resilience: Celebrating the Inaugural AGM of the National Circle for Indigenous Agriculture and Food June 10, 2024, The National Circle for Indigenous Agriculture and Food (NCIAF) celebrated its official announcement with a Pipe Ceremony, in conjunction with their Annual General Meeting in Regina, Saskatchewan. This significant event brought together members from the Board of Directors, the Advisory Circle, partners, and special guests. Todd Klink and Ken Thomas followed by esteemed guests... Save-on-Foods first grocery retailer to support North American Indigenous foods campaign Save-on-Foods first grocery retailer to support North American Indigenous foods campaign - Grocery Business Magazine Indigenous Agriculture Opportunities could Boost GDP by $1.5 billion (FCC) Indigenous agriculture opportunities could boost GDP by $1.5 billion | FCC (