About Us

Who We Are

The NCIAF is an Indigenous-led, non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of reconciliation in the agriculture industry and the creation of a national dialogue for Indigenous agriculture.  We are pathfinders that are passionate about removing barriers and delivering comprehensive solutions to Indigenous Peoples and communities. 

NCIAF will create and maintain a necessary connection between the agriculture industry, government, and knowledge keepers to the Indigenous communities and peoples working to strengthen their food security and sovereignty; and enhance their role in helping to feed the world, while honouring their traditions, lands, and Mother Earth. NCIAF will generate positive change by focusing on business acceleration, increasing access to knowledge, strengthening business planning and management practices, and increasing access to capital. The development of training and education programs for Indigenous communities, peoples, and leaders will advance awareness of opportunities, policies, and planning. NCIAF will also support the non-Indigenous agriculture industry to implement reconciliation endeavours within their organizations. 

Our Purpose

  •  To galvanize a community of partners to support Indigenous Peoples and reignite their role in agriculture and food through knowledge sharing and supporting business creation, while honoring Indigenous values, lands, and Mother Earth.
  • Advance reconciliation and building of bridges between Indigenous communities and other agriculture and food industry stakeholders to create a shared national vision for Indigenous agriculture.
  • Support the development of Indigenous agriculture and food businesses.
  • Build Indigenous capacity for agriculture through awareness of opportunities, knowledge exchange, and education and skills development.


Our Mission

  • To unite industry, government, academia, and like-minded non-profits with Indigenous Peoples as a means to advance reconciliation. 
  • To accelerate Indigenous agriculture, agribusiness and food production through increased access to and the creation of programs and services, while honouring Indigenous traditions, lands, and Mother Earth. 


Our Vision

To reignite the involvement of Indigenous communities and Peoples in agriculture and agribusiness to reclaim food security, sovereignty, and to help feed the world.